Energy Grid Data Visualization, Monitoring and Control

An intelligent energy storage data visualization, monitoring and control subsystem delivered to the Greensmith Energy Management Systems

Energy Grid Data Visualization, Monitoring and Control

The Client

Greensmith Energy Management Systems is the leading provider of intelligent energy storage software and integration services in the United States. They design and deploy the world’s most advanced energy storage systems. From grid-scale to behind-the-meter and microgrid solutions, the Greensmith GEMS software platform optimizes the performance of energy storage by lowering costs and maximizing system return on investment.

The Problem

Greensmith Energy needed a subsystem for custom energy storage data visualization, monitoring, and control.

The Solution - Energy Grid Data Visualization, Monitoring, and Control

Greensmith Energy partnered with Indeform to create a system for energy storage, data visualization, monitoring, and control. By utilizing interactive 3D Web visualizations of devices, modules and connections, we cooperatively worked on real-time states of grid energy storage. By the same token, we worked on implementing the monitoring of alarms and warnings and a system for data visualization and control. We enhanced data management with control of data layers, color coding, data comparison and introduced visualizations of different states and parameters of devices, such as currents, voltages and temperatures of the accumulation batteries. By implementing interactive customized multichannel 2D data plotting and comparison, we facilitated decision-making, efficiency analysis, monitoring and data management in different ranges of time and date.


Greensmith Energy is a great and innovative company, which sees that energy technologies play a significant role in the growth of the energy industry, thus we are proud to be part of the team.
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