Indeform Ltd implements EU – funded project "Development of an innovative stamping system that enables monitoring, evaluation and forecasting of stamping processes with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) "

The project aims to develop an advanced product - an innovative system (digital twin) consisting of a next-generation stamping tool with sensors and integrated artificial intelligence algorithms, which will process an array of sensor data in real time and make recommendations to the operator on the basis of the results obtained.

A fully developed advanced product:
  1. will analyse and visualise information on the quality of the stamped product;
  2. will enable immediate reaction to quality non-conformities and corrective actions with minimal losses;
  3. will provide real-time visibility of the tool status and efficient planning of service/repair times, thus saving costs for technical staff and extending the lifetime of the tool;
  4. minimise the risk of human error and dependence on the experience and expertise of the staff, through artificial intelligence.

The value of the project is EUR 1,231,330, of which EUR 701,761 is EU funding. The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Project duration: 2024.06.19 - 2026.06.19.

The project is implemented by "Stansefabrikken Automotive" Ltd. together with partner "Indeform" Ltd.

Algirdas Noreika
phone.: +370 630 09640